المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تعابير الثاني ثانوي الإختبار بعد سااعات عااجل

08-02-09, 10:27 PM
تكفون ياجماعة الخير

أبغى تعبير عن

أنتشار الإسلام

الطعام والأكل أو أكلنا

أبغى جمل قصيرة تكفون


هلابك يا الامبراطووور

وتستاهل التعابير

تعبير انتشار الاسلام

The Early Spread of Islam

In the first year of Hijrah calendar , Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and his followers moved from Makkah to Madinah . People welcomed them happily . There , he taught people the Holy Qura`n . Since then , the Islamic message has spread all over the world .
Enemies of Islam tried to stop its spread . As the Muslims advanced to the north , the Romans soldiers met them .
But the Muslims captured Damascus and Jerusalem . In the east, they met the Persian soldiers . Islam spread into Turkey and reached the borders of China . In North Africa, they had to fight against the Romans again . They took Egypt , Algeria and Morocco .
Finally , Islam spread into Spain and Portugal

تعبير الطعام

The Food We Eat

Everyone needs to be healthy and to stay alive . However , we cannot eat only one kind of food . We need a balanced diet . In other , we need food which contains five important substances : proteins ,minerals, carbohydrates ,fats and vitamins .
Energy in is measured in calories . A person need about 40 calories a day for each kilo that he weighs . If you eat more calories than you need , your body stores the extra calories as fat .

على العموم هذولي خذيتهن من منتدى الثاني الثانوي يعني عن ثقة .....اتوقع حتى نفس الكلمات الدلالية

وبالتوفيق انشاللة

الأمبراطور zezo
08-02-09, 10:57 PM
الله يجزاك خير أخوي

09-02-09, 09:32 AM
الله يجزاك خير أخوي

الله يعافيك

اوراق المساء
09-02-09, 06:35 PM
Thank swyrs

10-02-09, 01:53 PM
this is realy nice

10-02-09, 05:11 PM
Thanks swyrs

this is realy nice

thaaanx guys