المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : I'm so sorry

ملح سكر
22-03-07, 05:10 AM
(qq111) Welcome (qq111)
I'm Sorry...

For all the mean things I might have said

I'm Sorry

For all the things I did or didn't do

I'm Sorry

If I ever ignored you

I'm Sorry

If I ever made you feel bad or put you down

I'm Sorry

If I ever thought I was bigger or

better than you

I Love You

Don't ever forget that! Throgh

bad times and good

I'll always be here for you

I am Sorry

http://www.4zz.net/up/uploads/29033f09a3.jpg (http://www.4zz.net/up)

For everything wrong I've ever done

I'm writing this because what

if tomorrow never comes

what if you never get to say goodbye

or give a BIG hug to the people

you care about

What if you never get

to say I'm sorry or I love you

http://www.4zz.net/up/uploads/fb8495fc25.jpg (http://www.4zz.net/up)


(j) Bye (j)

22-03-07, 11:58 PM
I’m so sorry to say this is great topic
And I’m sorry to say thank you very much
And looking forward for your new sharing

Baady Saad

ملح سكر
23-03-07, 05:34 AM
nice to see you here

I’m so sorry to say this is great sharing

How I thank you

wish you all the best

23-03-07, 10:18 AM
Thank you for sharing with us...we hope this is not your last one here..

ملح سكر
24-03-07, 01:46 AM
nice to see you here


Thank you for sharing in my topic

wish you all the best