المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : help me

26-02-07, 06:04 PM
In the name of Allah

In start, I'm in third year in English section. I have practical (application )
in this semester
I don't know any thing about that ,I don't know how can I explain,,or introduce the subject
I have phobia
I want your advices and your instructions

I want return to you all when I have a difficult lesson


سكــ الليل ــون
26-02-07, 09:35 PM
حبيبتي انا اللي فهمته من كلامك انك تبين مساعده كيف تطبقين الدرس او كيف تشرحين
بس مافهمت انتي اي نوع من المساعده تبغين عشان ترجعين لها

26-02-07, 11:57 PM
Hello Shrooq ,
Can you say what is the proplem you are facing . Is it one of the subjects that you're studying ? If yes tell us about it and we won't hesitate to help you...
God bless you and see you soon...

01-03-07, 01:53 PM
حبيبتي انا اللي فهمته من كلامك انك تبين مساعده كيف تطبقين الدرس او كيف تشرحين

بس مافهمت انتي اي نوع من المساعده تبغين عشان ترجعين لها

هلا وغلا ,,
انا خايفه من التجربه الجديده ,, انا احب اتعلم بس مااعرف اعلم يعني مستواي جيد جدا مرتفع واذا جيت ادرس اختي مااعرف اوصل المعلومه ..
وخايفه اني احضر واستعد واكون فاهمه درسي بس في الحصه مااعرف اشرح..
ابي نصائح وطرق ووسائل ..
مشكوره ..

01-03-07, 01:58 PM
Hello Shrooq ,
Can you say what is the proplem you are facing . Is it one of the subjects that you're studying ? If yes tell us about it and we won't hesitate to help you...
God bless you and see you soon...

Hello Suhool
My level very good but my problem that I don't know how can I explain
I understand the lesson but I cann't introduce it

thanks alot

01-03-07, 02:11 PM
I have lesson for third year ( intermediate) about
occasions and different customs u 10 , l 2
if you can help me or give me linking

may Allah bless you

01-03-07, 07:27 PM
I have lesson for third year ( intermediate) about
occasions and different customs u 10 , l 2
if you can help me or give me linking

may Allah bless you

Shrooq I guess I can help you and I also think that the subject is easy to talk about cause it's fun...Please, write what do you need exactly and I will help for sure...I don't know any link right now, but give more Information on your subject and we'll see what can we do about it...
The other thing is that you're saying that you understand things , but on the other hand find it difficult to express yourfelf, tell me why is that is it that? are you afraid to talk in the class or because you can't organize what you're presented?
At the end I think that studying English is fun . It's the easiest subject to study only if you like it...
Looking forward to hearing from you soon...

01-03-07, 09:00 PM
thank you my teacher 'suhool
no, I can talk very good
like now, I have a problem but I cann't explain it

I think you are not teacher
because you cann't understand my situation

finally , I just want linking about occasion and different customs in many countries

and I want the translation of this
( وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا)

01-03-07, 09:33 PM
I don't think that I should be a teacher to understand you...Tell me the problem I might be very useful to you-hope to-I don't know any link ,but exactly what in customs do you need...

01-03-07, 09:54 PM
no I didn't mean that you get it
If you teacher you will know my problem because you have it before
I mean you are in another respect
I 'm sorry if I had mistake with you

linking like "ayah"I have wrote it or hadeeth or wisdom
any thing like that link lesson with environment

and I want translate the sentence before

02-03-07, 08:34 AM
Best of luck shrooq....

ياسر القحطاني
03-03-07, 06:18 PM
here is the translation of this verse ( وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا)

.{(and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other}

hopfully, it is clear

03-03-07, 06:29 PM
thank you so much my brother

سمي الظبي
27-08-09, 08:45 AM